New Energy Star PC standards like taking 2.7 million cars of the road...

Energy Star Did you know your PC uses more energy when you are NOT using it then when you are?
Since computers are in use many more hours per day than in the past, ENERGY STAR has strengthened its requirements to better save energy among computers and related equipment under today’s usage patterns. Energy Star recently introduced new energy saving specifications for PCs that can save up to $1.8 billion over the next five years in electricity costs and are equivalent to taking 2.7 million cars off the road.

If you are shopping for a new PC, look for the Energy Star label on the box or
find many models that meet the latest standards here. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

You can save with your existing PC as well by installing
C02Saver CO2SAVER, a free program for Windows XP and Vista. (Macintoshes don't need this.)
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